University of Virginia Department of Physics

Physics 631

Classical and Modern Physics I  —  4 Credits
A Summer Residency Course for Teachers of Physics

July 6 – July 29, 2005

Grading Policies


A proctor can be a supervisor, principal, superintendent, Department Chair, or professional colleague. No relatives, in-laws, spouses or social friends are allowed to be proctors. It is the proctor's responsibility to assure me you took the exam according to the given instructions and that you abided by the UVa honor code. The proctor does not have to be present during the entire time you are taking the exam. Before taking any exam you will email me your proctor's name, professional relationship with you, title, email address, and telephone. I will email the proctor and give him/her the instructions for you to take the exam. After you have submitted the exam electronically, your proctor will email you the words "I concur" to inform you that you took the exam according to the rules and the honor system. You will copy the email and post it on Blackboard under the forum "Proctoring exams". If the proctor does not concur, then the proctor emails me the words "I do not concur". Thus far it has never happened.

Honor Code

I trust every student in this course to fully comply with all of the provisions of the UVA honor system. In addition to pledging that you have neither received nor given aid while taking your exam, your electronic signature also affirms that you have not accessed any notes, study outlines, problem sets, old exams, answer keys, or the textbook while taking an exam and that you have not obtained any answers from another students exam. All alleged honor violations brought to my attention will be forwarded to the Honor Committee. If, in my judgment, it is beyond a reasonable doubt that a student has committed an honor violation with regard to a given exam, that student will receive an immediate grade of 'F' for that exam, irrespective of any subsequent action taken by the Honor Committee.

All UVa. Students' are bound by the UVa Honor code. Please familiarize yourself with it in the University of Virginia Graduate Record Catalog or click on In accordance with the U. Va. honor code, a student normally writes on the exam that they neither gave or received aid and sign it. It is not possible for the student to sign the exam, since it is submitted electronically. As a substitute procedure, the last question on the exam will be in effect " I pledge that I took the exam in compliance with the honor code". The student must answer that question yes or no. You are expected to make arrangements with your supervisor, principal, or superintendent, to proctor your exam. Ground rules and policy for proctoring the exam will be given to you and the proctor.