University of Virginia Department of Physics

Physics 631

Classical and Modern Physics I  —  4 Credits
A Summer Residency Course for Teachers of Physics

July 6 – July 29, 2005

Preparatory Information

Dear Physics Teachers,

Please read the important information below. You must learn how to access WebAssign, read your UVa email, and use Blackboard, and the following preparation is strongly recommended.


It is strongly recommended that students prepare for the course prior to arrival by acquiring the textbook and pre-reading the chapters to be covered. In order to be adequately prepared for the homework and the lecture sessions, a review of necessary math/calculus skills is necessary. Appendix E of the textbook lists mathematical formulas, trig functions, vector products, derivatives and integrals. You should be particularly familar with the material on page A-9 such as that under Geometry, Quadratic Formula, Trigonometric Functions, Pythagorean Theorem, Triangles, Mathematical Signs and Symbols, and Trigonometric Identities.  Also be familar with Products of Vectors on page  A-10. Please seek additional review material if these topics are not familiar. We will also use some of the derivatives and integrals on page A-11.

Please complete this Vector Practice Assignment to make sure you are familiar with vector concepts. It is a .pdf file, so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.


After I get confirmation from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies that you have registered, I will set up a user name and password on WebAssign for you. I will notify you by your personal email and you will be able to log on to WebAssign. You then must learn how to submit homework by taking the "test" on Webassign that teaches you how to use the system. Click here for WebAssign login instructions.

UVa Email

You must activate your UVa email since all correspondence will be through your UVa email address. You will be automatically assigned a username and password for your UVa email after you have registered for Phys 631. Please click here for instructions on setting up your UVa email account.


After you have activated your email address, you must obtain your username and password to use features of Blackboard at UVa. Blackboard will be used as a discussion board/listserve for discussion about homework problems and lecture.  Blackboard username is the same as your UVa email username. Password is the first initial of first name, first initial of last name, first three digits of SSN, 4 digit birthday. Please click on this Blackboard link and familiarize yourself with it.

Example of username and password for Blackboard:

Name:      John A. Smith
UVa email:
SSN:       036268791
Birthday:  June 2

username: jas2g
password: js0360602