Introduction & Overview

Dear Teachers,

Welcome to Classical and Modern Physics II

Homework and Exams

All homework is submitted through a distance learning delivery system called WebAssign. After I get confirmation from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies that you have registered, I will set up a user name and password on WebAssign for you. I will notify you by your personal email and you will be able to log on to WebAssign. Click on the button on the left called Log-in-Instructions to learn how to log onto WebAssign. You then must learn how to submit homework by taking the "Practice Test : Intro to WebAssign for Physics Students" on Webassign that teaches you how to use the system. Also click on the Guide on WebAssign to learn how to use it. The first three exams in the summer will be taken in class in Room 203. The fourth exam and final exam will be taken on WebAssign.

UVa Email

You must activate your UVa email since all correspondence will be through your UVa email address. Click on the button on the left called Log-in-Instructions to learn how to activate your UVa email address.

Discussion Board

After you have activated your email address, you must obtain your username and password to use features of Blackboard at UVa. Click on the button on the left called Log-in-Instructions to learn how to log onto Blackboard. Your UVa email address must be activated benfore you an log onto Blackboard. We will use Blackboard as a Discussion Board and for communicating other class information. Please familiarize yourself with it.

Chat Room

There is no chat room for this class.

Lecture Notes and Slides

To view or read the lecture slides and notes, which are in PDF format, you will need the software program Acrobat Reader. You can download Acrobat Reader for free by clicking the image below.