Log In Instructions

UVa Email

You must activate your UVa email since all correspondence will be through your UVa email address. You will be automatically assigned a username and password for your UVa email after you have registered for Phys 605. Please click here for instructions on setting up your UVa email account.


After I get confirmation from the School of Continuing and Professional Studies that you have registered, I will set up a user name and password on WebAssign for you. I will notify you by your personal email and you will be able to log on to WebAssign. You then must learn how to submit homework by taking the "test" on Webassign that teaches you how to use the system. Click here to log on to WebAssign. Now click on the red Log in button on the left of the page. I have changed your previous usernames to conform to your UVa email. Your username is now the same as your UVa email username and I set your password to the same as your username. You may reset your password after you logon.

Example of username and password for WebAssign:
UVa email: jas2g@virginia.edu
WebAssign username: jas2g
Institution: virginia
Password: jas2g


After you have activated your email address, you must obtain your username and password to use features of Blackboard at UVa. Blackboard will be used as a discussion board/listserve for discussion about homework problems and lecture. Please click here to logon to Blackboard. Then click on the Login in the upper left hand corner of the page. Your Blackboard username is the same as your UVa email username. Your password is the first initial of first name, first initial of last name, first three digits of SSN, and 4 digit birthday.

Example of username and password for Blackboard:

Name:      John A. Smith
UVa email: jas2g@virginia.edu
SSN:       036268791
Birthday:  June 2

username: jas2g
password: js0360602


Phys 632 will not use Horizon Wimba.


In order to participate in the audio chat room, you will need:

  • a computer
  • a headset with a microphone
  • an internet connection (e.g., dialup modem, DSL, cable mode

Preparing for the session

It is essential that you run the Horizon Wimba Wizard at a least a day in advance of our meeting time. The Wizard ensures that your computer is technically prepared to use Live Classroom. It guides you through a series of tests and downloads corresponding with different technical requirements. You will only need to run the Wizard once. It will take ten to fifteen minutes.

You can access the Wizard here: http://liveclassroom.horizonwimba.com/wizard/launcher.cgi

You should also review the participant overview, which can be found at: http://horizonwimba.com/tools/4_0_interface.html

Logging in to the Session

At the time of our workshop, you may log into our room following the instructions below:

  1. Go to http://liveclassroom.horizonwimba.com/launcher.cgi?room=uvascps
  2. Click the Participant Login button
  3. When prompted, enter the following information: Room ID: uvascps
    Name: {first name + last initial; e.g., homers, donaldd, glennk}
  4. You will be taken to the Live Classroom Lobby. Click on the
    University of Virginia School of Continuing & Professional Studies
    link to enter the classroom.

Please contact me if you have questions. If you experience any technical difficulties, you should contact Russ Bazydlo, rbazydlo@virginia.edu, 982-5258 for help.

Thank you,

Richard Lindgren