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Page maintained by
Xiaochao Zheng
Mark Jones
Last updated: September 2008

Upload Your Talk

UVa collab

All registered speakers of SPIN2008 are strongly encouraged to upload their talk before the conference.  Recommended file formats are: Microsoft Powerpoint or PDF.  To avoid missing font problem with PowerPoint, please see these instructions. A worksite is created specifically for SPIN2008 talk uploading using the UVa collab worksite.  Please read the following instructions carefully:

  • All speakers will be added to the SPIN2008 collab worksite by September 26, 2008 (some may be added much earlier);
  • Once you are added to the worksite, you will receive two emails: One from "collab-support@virginia.edu" which contains your login id (your email address) and password information. The other email is from the LOC member who added you to the worksite, which inform you that you have been added as a new user. Follow these instructions to login to UVa collab. (Note: If you received only the email from the LOC member, but not the password, you may request for a password by clicking on "Lost Password" on the left menu bar at the main UVa collab website.)
  • After logging in, you will see in the top menu bar "My workspace" and "SPIN2008". Click on "SPIN2008" to choose this worksite;
  • On the left menu bar, choose "Resources". Three directories for SPIN2008 talks will show up in the main window: "plenary talks", "plenary talks (friday evening director's session)", and "parallel talks".  The directory "parallel talks" is further divided into eight (8) subdirectories.
  • Choose the session your talk belongs to, then use "Add" -> "Upload files" to upload your talk.
    • Use "Browse" to choose the file you want to upload from your laptop or PC. Note that due to storage limitation on the UVa/collab worksite, we suggest you limit the file size to 10MBytes total. However, we understand special circumstances may occur and as long as NOT EVERYONE's file is larger than 10MB, we should not have problems with disk space.
    • After choosing the file, type in a new filename in the "Display Name" box. We strongly recommend using "Lastname_Firstname.ext" as the display name, where ".ext" depends on the file type. This is to make sure that the SPIN2008 worksite manager can recognize which talk the file is for.  If you used a different filename, it might be renamed by the worksite manager.
    • In "Email notification", choose "None - No notification";
    • click "Upload Files Now". This will take a few seconds or minutes (depending on your network speed).
  • You may update your talk by removing your old file and upload a new one. Note that typically you are only allowed to remove files that were uploaded by yourself.
  • The talk you upload to the worksite will be published.
  • You may upload only one file for each talk. However, if you wish to use different files for your presentation and future publishing, you may upload two files. In this case, please make sure filenames are obvious enough such that the correct file will be downloaded to the local PC before your session starts.

Questions or comments about this page? Send an email to Xiaochao Zheng or Mark Jones.